Tuesday, February 3, 2009

When things go awry

Sometimes, despite my best efforts, things simply don't go my way. I often feel in these instances that I must be doing something wrong. Communicating without clarity. Being driven by ego or without a solid understanding of the big picture.

Other times, it seems that life is serving up some resistance to provide insight into where I am, from where I've come, and most importantly where I'm heading. To shake things up a bit and ensure I'm paying attention.

And then there are the times when a bumpy ride simply aids in reminding me of all that's to be appreciated in life.

Right now it feels as though all three may be going on at the very same time. Hmm.


AV said...

Hmm. Wonder what you're talking about. :-) My philosophy is: straight and narrow is safe and easy but boring. The curved road is adventurous and filled with discovery. But on that note, good luck! :-D

Mika Ryan said...

Hey Chica,

Of course everything feels strange, you're still grieving. Just give yourself time and hang onto all of those wonderful Maggie memories.



Dil said...

If only I had your wisdom and insight. To me, it seems you're miles ahead of the game, in this game we call life.