Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Reaching for something...

Today was a 'found' day as I was supposed to go to an all-day meeting and then begged off to try to get on top of things in my office. And while I got a lot accomplished, a portion of my time was spent listening to colleagues' feelings of unrest, uneasyness and a sense of something not quite falling into place.

My challenge in these circumstances is to lend an ear, share some shared experience or insight and then NOT take on the negative energy. Gradually I progressed from feeling quite upbeat and blessed with time, to sensing that things were not quite right. And then I remembered that over time I've realized that my nature is to absorb the moods of others and that more constructively I need to empathize, but with some detachment. Too late for today, but lesson learned once again!

So, this vague, unsettling sense that 'something' is off in the distance, just out of reach for now- not sure if that's me or someone else's intuition at play. I'll see how I feel tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mika Ryan said...

Your kind of like a charector on Star Trek (yes I have been know to watch it, but that doesn't mean I speak Klingon). The one that touches someone and feels all of their pain. On one hand it makes you very emphathetic, on the other it must be a terrible drain.
Also remember that your vunerable right now, as your probably very worried about Maggie.