Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Second childhood

Maggy and I just came back from a great walk in the park.

As we entered our building she stopped short and stared at the window. She then proceeded to approach the "other dog" slowly until they were face to face. Next she swerved to the side and watched. All very curiously and seriously. She wasn't even deterred by my laughter as I watched her.

I haven't seen her react toward her own reflection since she was just months old. It was quite fun to see and remember as well.


Mika Ryan said...

Love this post, as my Maggie is also going through a second puppyhood. The Japanese think we have two childhoods, one in the beginning and another as we get older. I like to think we reach a point were we are able to filter the bullshit and live in the moment.

Dil said...

I do that sometimes too! Whoa....who's that?.....oh, it's me......then I go home and change.