Friday, August 29, 2008


The US Democratic Convention has ended with the expected dramatic speech by Barack Obama. It, plus the preceeding video created by the party, will hopefully go a long way in demonstrating Obama's background, experience, vision and leadership ability to those still unfamiliar or unconvinced American voters.

It was a momentous opportunity to witness an audience of 80,000+ in that Denver stadium, as well as the other enthusiastic gatherings around the country, celebrating the making of history. To see an event of that scale marking this new era in American politics is stunning - especially when we consider the rumoured upcoming Canadian federal election. What a contrast in style, impact, outcome and, frankly, inspiration.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the US from now until the election in November. Can't say that it will be anywhere near as compelling to participate in our own process though. Too bad.


Mika Ryan said...

I'm all about Obama, as are Tom, Tyler and the pugs. We all watched it - and even as jaded as I've felt during the Bush years - felt a glimmer of hope!

Dil said...

Go Obama!!!!

Dil said...

Oh, and I just wanted to add that I'm GLAD our elections process is no comparison to our neighbours to the south. The money spent, the hoopla, the back stabbing, the money spent, the show biz, the lies, the money spent......crazy. I'm not saying there's no back stabbing and a fair share of deceipt in the Canadian battle but we don't need the extra hoopla, show biz, $$$$ wasting extravaganza. I'll take our little show any day. let them have their own "Beijing opening ceremonies" along with lip syncing cutey pies any day!!