Saturday, April 4, 2009

Trying Twitter

Being in communications, I know how important (and sometimes daunting) it is to keep up on the trends. Of course, everyone is now well aware of the micro-blogging phenome, Twitter, which has been the talk of all media channels for the past number of months. While I joined Twitter a year ago, I didn't really get it until earlier this year. 

It's a powerful communications form that blends many aspects of life in one place. Used well (I'm definitely still learning), it's a dynamic and convenient way to monitor volumes and volumes of news, updates and opinions while sharing the same. 

That said, Twitter also feeds the already problematic online addiction begun with blogging, facebook, the blackberry et al. Time consuming it is to make and manage all the connections that comprise our social networks. A good example: I need to drag myself away from this laptop right now - grocery shopping is still waiting!

It'll be interesting to see how all of this nets out, but for now, I plan to keep exploring - both from a personal and professional perspective. 

For his hilarious take, check out Stephen Colbert's chat with Biz Stone, Twitter co-founder. And then make sure you follow both!

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