Friday, October 5, 2007

A quick hello

Just running from work to pack and head back to the burbs for a family Thanksgiving weekend. The move to Toronto went really well over the past weekend and I'm just getting settled in. It's wonderful to live so close to work now - just a quick subway ride away. Haven't had time to explore too much yet, but am loving it so far.

Maggy is coming to see her new home for the first time on Monday - hope she likes it! Actually, I think she'll love having her own routine and territory again after all this time. And it's a very dog-friendly neighbourhood which will be great.

Hope all's well in your world and best wishes for a fabulous Thanksgiving weekend!

1 comment:

Mika Ryan said...

I like the image of you and the Mags in your new home. You now have the best of both worlds, your own space - with family close by.

I miss you!